- Ellen Chen-Livingston
- 美國著名「匹茲堡交響樂團」(Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)小提琴家
去年暑假,我向「匹茲堡交響樂團」請假回台探親期間的最後一周,順道拜訪了鄭老師的名琴弦樂器公司。我們先是在電話上聊了一下 ( 因為鄭老師是我當年在「茱麗亞音樂院」求學時老師的好朋友 ),然後約了一個時間試琴。當我踏入鄭老師漂亮的公司裡時,我深切的感受到歐陽先生和鄭老師親切誠摯的待客之道,鄭老師也向我介紹了他們許多精美的樂器收藏,也讓我試拉那些很棒的樂器,真的很令人驚喜。
除此以外,鄭老師和歐陽先生總是很慷慨大方且不厭其煩地回應我對於樂器上的各種疑問,在這當中,我向鄭老師學到許多東西,也感謝他待我如家人一般親切。以我過去的經驗,我從來沒有試拉過這麼多「這樣高水準」的樂器,所以我一開始實在不知道哪一把琴才適合我,幸好有鄭老師幫忙,給我不少寶貴的建議,而且在我回美國匹茲堡之後,他還親自再帶了許多弓和琴到匹茲堡讓我試拉。當我試拉到法國名提琴製作家 Charles Francois Gand 的小提琴和法國名提琴製弓家 Pierre Simon 的弓後,我驚覺「這真是為我量身訂作的樂器」!非常的獨特!我現在非常享受能有這麼漂亮的
Gand 名小提琴和 Simon 名弓來演奏,也對於它們能為未來音樂生涯上帶來的驚奇,感到很興奮,這真是一個天大的賜予和喜樂!再次感謝鄭老師和歐陽先生。
During a sabbatical from the Pittsburgh Symphony, I traveled with my family to Taiwan to visit my parents and other relatives. On a whim, I stopped into Chiun-Teng Cheng’s Rare Violin Shop on my last week in Taipei. We had spoken briefly over the phone, and
he invited me to stop in for a visit. From the moment I walked into the beautiful studio, I felt a welcoming and friendly mood, from Mr. Ouyang and Mr. Cheng. Mr. Cheng showed me his fine collection, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing on some superb violins.
Mr. Cheng and Mr. Ouyang were very generous with their time and my requests. I learned so much and am most appreciative that Mr. Cheng treated me like family. I had not played on so many violins of this caliber. It was overwhelming at first. Mr. Cheng was so
courteous and helpful, especially in hand delivering multiple violins and bows for my trial after I returned to Pittsburgh. Almost immediately, I was drawn to the Charles Francois Gand violin and Pierre Simon bow. I knew that these instruments were especially
unique and made to be played by me! As with anything new, I am enjoying discovering my beautiful Gand and exquisite Simon, and excited for the future of musical endeavors. What a true blessing and a joy! Thank you to Mr. Cheng and Mr. Ouyang.