- 何先生
- 國外留學中
他們的試琴間,雖然有“一大片”的景觀玻璃,但仍然有很好的隔音效果。試琴間的隔壁,是由一位維修師傅 (Alexander Švýcarský) 主持的工作室,裡面的陳設相當乾淨且井然有序。當我和這位維修師見面聊天時,也感受到他多年的經驗和智慧。
我帶了之前購自「鄭俊騰名琴弦樂器有限公司」的大提琴,一把超過百年的樂器來作一些簡單的檢查。就在隔天,樂器已經調整好了。我簡單地試拉一下,很明顯地覺得音色聽起來很不一樣,變得更好了。在還沒有調整之前,我的琴的共鳴聽起來悶悶的,每當我的弓離開琴弦,共鳴也馬上停止了。經過調整之後 (換了一片琴橋和調整指板),琴的共鳴就良好地顯露出來。現在它的音色聽起來總是有著豐富的共鳴,感覺真的是非常非常非常地特別!
Coming to Chiun-Teng Cheng Rare Violins Co., Ltd., I was startled at the level of professionalism was in store. Having studied the cello for 14 years, I have a solid understanding about how an instrumental shop should operate, and Chiun-Teng Cheng Rare Violins Co., Ltd. has exceeded my expectations. Just by entering, one can feel the careful control of air temperature and humidity control. A grand piano, a shelf full of priceless instrument, and a row of rare cello greets everyone upfront.
The practice room, albeit with a very large viewing window, has is very soundproof. The room next door holds the workshop of a maestro, a clean organized instrument workshop. Upon meeting the instrument maker, one can see the years of practice and wisdom the maker has.
I brought my cello over, 100 year plus, to have a basic look over. The very next day, the cello received a tune up. Having a quick play through, I’ve noticed the vast improvement in sound quality. Before, the echo of the cello has been rather muted. When the bow leaves the string, the echo comes to an abrupt stop as well. After the tune up (a bridge fix and fingerboard re-adjustment), the echo came through. The sounds now end with an affluent echo. The level of specialization is extraordinary!