鄭重推薦Alexander Švýcarský 製作的名琴
刊登日期:2010/12/17 -
相信常來本公司定期維修保養的客戶們,一定對親切幽默的Alex (亞歷山大‧許維查斯基,Alexander Švýcarský,以下簡稱Alex) 印象深刻。雖然他年僅37歲,但是自出師以來,他已有近20年的專業製作與維修名琴的經驗,資歷相當豐富,是位國際上不可多得的人才,這也是本公司歐陽董事長和創辦人鄭老師當初飛到布拉格「重金禮聘」Alex前來台灣的最大因素。包含台灣小提琴教母李淑德教授、台北藝術大學的蘇正途教授、台灣師大音樂系的陳沁紅教授、高雄市交響樂團大提琴首席戴俐文教授等等國內知名音樂家在內,都對Alex專業的維修知識與技術讚不絕口!Alex表示:「今天不論我在何地工作,我都會秉持著“讓樂器達到最佳狀態”的態度來維修。」平常的工作日裡,Alex總是認真謹慎地修護每一把交付到他手上的樂器,並且在修復完成後,對客戶的要求與疑問有問必答,讓客戶心滿意足地帶著心愛的樂器回家。就是因為擁有這樣的敬業態度,Alex的維修技術總是能讓許多“非常挑剔”的客戶心服口服。
捷克布拉格Alexander Švýcarský弦樂器製作工作室
英國倫敦名店Florian Leonhard駐店維修師
2006年 波蘭「亨利‧維尼奧夫斯基製琴比賽」之「最高工藝金獎」
2006年 英國弦樂雜誌“The Strad”專文訪問 (2006年11月號,第21 頁,見左圖)
2001年 波蘭「亨利‧維尼奧夫斯基製琴比賽」之「最佳上漆工藝獎」(此獎為義大利製琴協會所設立)
捷克製琴大師Přemysl Špidlen、Josef Vávra、Vladimír and Tomáš Pilař,
1991年畢業於捷克盧比國際製琴學校 (International Violin Making School at Luby, Czech)
所製作的樂器已由包含著名捷克小提琴大師Josef Suk、Vlach弦樂四重奏、Apollon弦樂四重奏、Epoque弦樂四重奏在內的音樂家收藏使用。
born on August 28th, 1973 in Mladá Boleslav.
After finishing school, he attended the violinmaker school in Luby by Cheb (1988 - 1991).
He gained his first professional experience from his distant relative Josef Vávra, of the famous violinmaker family.
A year later he accepted the internship offer of Vladimír and Tomáš Pilař, staying with them from 1993 to 1994. At their shop he built an instrument which won the top prize in the Prague Competition.
He regularly consulted with Přemysl Špidlen between 1998 and 1999.
In 1999 he became a member of the Association of Czech Violinmakers (Kruh umělců houslařů).
In the same year he left for London where he worked under Florian Leonhard, one of the most famous European restorers. In his shop Alexander Švýcarský restored valuable Italian instruments, and made copies of them as well.
Since his return in 2001 he works in his own Prague shop. His own singular style is influenced by the mentality of and admiration for the old Italian masters. His work is appreciated by many leading artists, for example the outstanding violinist Josef Suk, the violist Petr Verner of the " Vlach Quartet," the cellist Pavel Verner of the "Apollon Quartet", the violist Vladimír Kroupa of the "Epoque Quartet" and many others.
Alexander Švýcarský has won prizes of Best Workmanship (2006) and Best Varnish (2001) in the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Making Competition in Poznan, Poland.